Previously Viewed Products

Jewelry Repair Webinar Plus eBook

This is an example of an item that includes both images and a video on the item view page. You can upload both images and video directly from the admin area, link to CDN content and/or and have a "preview" video of your streamed or downloaded content.

This item also demonstrates the ability to offer an item as downloadable (or watchable), download + ship or ship-only. Merchants frequently use the "download and ship" feature to offer an item as all digital, digital + hardcopy or hardcopy only.

This sample item also has the QTY field disabled with a MAX of 1 available for purchase since customer's will rarely be purchasing multiple quantities of the same digital media item.
Delivery Method:
You did not enter the order minimum amount for this item. The minimum number you can purchase of this item is: (0)
You have exceeded the max number of items allowed for this item. The maximum number (QTY) you can purchase of this item is: (0)
The quantity you entered exceeds the number currently available for purchase. The maximum number you can purchase of this item is: (0)

The Download and/or Ship Feature allows the merchant to sell the same media item as a download, download and ship... or ship only.

Or.. this feature allows the merchant to offer a streaming video with a PDF handout as well as the option to ship a copy of the handout.

Many Site Store Pro customers who sell online training seminars offer supplementary materials along with the video content (webinar file). 

In addition to the preview video shown above, the purchaser of this webinar will also get downloadable content directly from the video viewing page... or they can choose to have their eductional supplements shipped as well.

If a shippable option is selected, a shipping fee and sales tax (if applicable) will be charged during checkout.  You are not required to offer shipping options for downloadable or video items but Site Store Pro gives you that added flexibility.

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This item shows how to offer a downloadable ebook as well as displaying different images on search results and item view pages.
This sample item shows how a merchant can display a video preview  for an item and also offer the item as an on-demand video product.