Jewelry Accessorizing ONLINE Webinar

This sample item shows how a merchant can display a video preview  for an item and also offer the item as an on-demand video product. On-Demand video products can be viewed directly after purchase and do not need to be downloaded or shipped.
You did not enter the order minimum amount for this item. The minimum number you can purchase of this item is: (0)
You have exceeded the max number of items allowed for this item. The maximum number (QTY) you can purchase of this item is: (0)
The quantity you entered exceeds the number currently available for purchase. The maximum number you can purchase of this item is: (0)

This sample item shows how a merchant can display a video preview  for an item and also offer the item as an on-demand video product.

The store administrator can restrict number of views and duration of viewing and all options are set via the web-based admin.. no programming required.

This page is using one of the alternate layout options that is built-into to the product manager in the admin area. (video player on top)

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This item also demonstrates the ability to offer an item as an on-demand media item, on-demand + ship or ship-only.